A Sharp Bend in the Road: 17 Intriguing Stories by Gerard Bianco Following a devastating fall, Rita finds herself standing outside the dining hall at an independent living facility. She squeezes the handle of her cane, and her knuckles turn white. Her wire-rimmed glasses accentuate the tears she tries to hide. After eighty-two years, and a lifetime of memories, Rita believes she’s been abandoned at the mouth of a fiery dragon that will swallow her up—and she is terrified. When a man purchases a remote log cabin in the Adirondacks , he believes he has found a peaceful haven, until he discovers a stranger dead on his living room rug. An adventure seeker joins a unique organization and quickly learns that getting what you want can sometimes lead to unimagined consequences. Two couples set out on a vacation in Maine , only to find their dreamy trip has turned into a getaway nightmare. A Sharp Bend in the Road redefines the art of the short story collection. Seve...