“Discovery consists of seeing what everyone else has seen and thinking what nobody has thought.” —Albert Szent-Gyorgyi (1893-1986) Hungarian physiologist Here's a post that focuses on the value of thinking outside without the freakin' box: List all the ways that these words relate: Sand, Hand, And, Wand, Land Yes, there is the obvious—all the word contain the word ‘and.’ What else? Here’s a hint: Stack the words differently. Sand Hand And Wand Land Notice anything? No? Here’s another hint: Your grandma wears one. Get it yet? No? Okay then, let’s copy the first letter of each word and see what we have. S – H – A – W – L Since childhood, you’ve been taught to recognize patterns. Our brains look for patterns. You’ve been programmed to think in patterns. It’s therefore understandable that when you looked at the words above, you immediately recognized the app...