To be a successful artist, you must possess two important attributes. Number 1. Mastery of your medium , and 2. A vivid imagination . Let's first talk about Mastering Your Medium. It doesn't matter how long you've been working in art, whether you’re a newbie, or a seasoned veteran, you can't create what you want without first gaining proficiency over the tools you use to express yourself. This is true in most all forms of self-expression. How do you gain knowledge and understanding of your medium? Simple. It's like the old joke, “How do you get to Carnegie Hall?” Practice, practice, practice. Learn the fundamentals of your medium. Learn techniques. Learn control. Don't let your medium control you. Once you have learned one technique, push this technique a step further to learn something new. Take it one step at a time. Study how other artists worked. Copy, decipher, drink the waters of knowledge. Become proficient with your tools. This is how you grow...